
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nora's 1st Christmas!

This year we celebrated Nora's first Christmas! It was so much fun to experience this holiday through her eyes. Granted, she didn't really know what was happening and she was more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual presents, but it was still one of the best moments with her so far. Madison had to work on Christmas Eve so we spent the Sunday before Christmas in Connecticut with his family and Christmas day with mine. This actually worked out well because Nora was so exhausted on Monday that she slept all day. I used the extra time to bake cookies for my family. Christmas Eve was low key, we just spent time as a family after Madison got home and it was really nice. Here are a few pictures from our Christmas.

Nora opening presents with Aunt Merrill and trying to eat all the wrapping paper. I'll insert a little video below of her playing in that tunnel in the background. Quite adorable. 

An adorable owl dress I cannot wait for her to wear. 

Her new best friend, a turtle that crawls. 

Nora and her daddy. They love each other so much. 

Right before we went home, Nora in her cupcake PJs with Aunt Merrill and Nana

Our stockings! I sewed Nora's and Madison did the gold glitter glue name. Teamwork. 

Christmas morning! Along with wrapping paper, Nora also was interested in trying to eat the tree ornaments.

A rare glimpse of Morning Kelcey. Opening presents from Santa with my girl.

I loved her Santa hat.

My favorite gift! This little bunny is so cute and customized with Nora's name on it. The quality is incredible, this will be something we will keep forever. I got it from Hill Country Woodcraft on Etsy, I'll leave a link here if you are interested. 

Christmas cookies for all!

I love how these turned out. I found those labels at Joann's and they were perfect.

The only picture I got of Nora in her Christmas outfit! We had a great time at my cousin's house I was too busy to take pictures. 

Hope you enjoyed this little peak into Nora's first Christmas! It was so much fun for us. And as promised, here is Nora crawling through a tunnel:

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