
Monday, January 20, 2014

Square Hue January Box

Square Hue January 2014 review

For Christmas, my wonderful sister-in-law, Merrill, got me a subscription to Square Hue nail polish. This is a monthly subscription service that sends out three full size nail polishes at the beginning of each month. I have never tried one of these types of services before so I was really excited when she told me about it. My husband could tell you I am a bit of a nail polish junkie. I would call it more of a collection. Needless to say, this was right up my alley. 

Square Hue January 2014 review

My first box arrived to our new house before we did so I got to open it up right on moving day. I love the packaging here! The bottles are so sleek looking and fit nicely into the box with a cardboard holder.

Square Hue January 2014 review

Each month has a theme which you can check on the Square Hue website before the beginning of the month. This year's series is The Passport Collection and this month's theme is London. This card came in the box and listed each of the colors that came in the collection.

Square Hue January 2014 review

The first polish is called Buckingham. This is a lovely medium red tone with a creme formulation. I would describe this as a brick red. There is no shimmer or sparkle to this polish.

Square Hue January 2014 review

The next shade is Westminster. This is a shade of creamy white and also has a creme formulation. Again, there is no shimmer to this polish.

Square Hue January 2014 review

The last polish in the box is West Elm. This one might be my favorite. It is a beautiful shade of navy with blue micro-glitter. In the light this sparkled so nicely.

Square Hue January 2014 review

Here are all of the colors together. Aren't they pretty? I have not been able to try these out yet due to the whole broken arm thing, but I plan to as soon as I am out of the cast. I think this subscription box is such a fun idea, thanks Merrill- I love it. Check back here at the beginning of each month and I will share what shows up!

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