
Monday, February 24, 2014

DIY Lemon Sugar Scrub

Greetings! I have a great DIY beauty product for you today. I live in Connecticut, and the winter weather has not been too kind to my skin. If you live in a cold climate, I'm sure you can agree. Lately my complexion has been a little dull so I set out to change that. If you want a glowing, exfoliated face, follow the instructions below. I did this and my face feels amazing! It's so much softer and brighter looking. I can see a difference and am very happy with the results. 

1. Gather your ingredients. I used natural cane sugar (but regular granulated sugar would work just as well), honey, the juice of one lemon, and cinnamon. Below you can see the benefits of each ingredient:

Sugar - the rough texture will slough off any dead skin and clean out your pores

Honey - moisturizing and soothing, naturally antibacterial so it will aid in the treatment and prevention of acne, full of antioxidants

Lemon - exfoliating, naturally brightens skin

Cinnamon - brings blood to the surface to naturally "plump" skin and give a nice flush

2. Juice that lemon! I used the juice of a whole lemon.

3. Add your ingredients to a bowl. I used about 1/4 cup sugar.

4. Add your lemon juice to the bowl, then the honey. I used about 1 tablespoon of honey.

5. Add in your cinnamon. I didn't measure this, just sprinkled some on top.

6. Mix it all up and put it on your face! I wet my face before applying the scrub and rubbed it in for a minute or two, then rinsed it all off. My skin instantly looked better! It felt so much softer, too. I had to resist touching it the rest of the day. I had a lot left over so I put the remainder in our refrigerator to save for later. I wouldn't recommend using this scrub more than twice a week, as the sugar is very course. 

I hope you try this out, let me know if you do!


  1. Why did I not think of using Cinnamon! I'm going to try this once the kiddo is down for a nap

  2. You definitely should! It's kind of amazing.

  3. Hi Kelcey, thanks for sharing the recipe for the scrub. I'm always looking for a new scrub to make.
    I pinned it and I'll be making it soon! Looks like it would smell great and be exfoliating!

    Have a great weekend,
    Kim from this Ole Mom
