
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Turning Point - Nora's Beginnings

Nora's birth story

Nora Mae was born on April 26th, 2013 at 5:43 am, weighing a slight 6lbs, 1 ounce. Her entry into the world was not expected, at least not this soon. Madison and I had been dating for a year when he proposed to me. About 8 months later, we found out that I was pregnant. We hadn't even begun to plan our wedding, I was fresh out of college, and we were just beginning our lives together. Madison and I had already decided that we wanted children, but this was certainly much sooner than planned. Finding out I was pregnant was the biggest turning point in my life. From that moment on it wasn't just about Madison and I, it was about this little bean-sized life form growing inside me. I couldn't grasp the situation at the time, I was too stunned, but our lives would change radically because of this one piece of news. 

Honestly, I was upset when I first found out. I was 22 years old and did not feel like I had the qualifications to be a mother. Madison was so encouraging and excited from the beginning that it didn't take long for my attitude to change. From then on it was all about our little girl. We did our best to prepare for her arrival.

I didn't have the easiest pregnancy. There were issues with perpetual high blood pressure and suspected preeclampsia (which thankfully never occurred). I gained more weight than I was comfortable with. My feet swelled up like balloons. There was one memorable moment at work when a co-worker took one look at my feet spilling out of my shoes, that she yelled "Oh my God!" and promptly told me to go sit down and put my feet up. I was allowed to wear flip-flops to work after that. 

On April 25th, I went into work and told everyone I would be having a baby that day. They all laughed because I had been saying that for the past 2 months. My weekly checkup was scheduled that day at 11:30 so I was determined to be induced. My doctor and I had not really seen eye to eye during my pregnancy, which was incredibly stressful, so imagine my shock when she said I could be induced that day! A quick text to my boss to say I wasn't coming back and we were off! Packing for the hospital was a frantic event but we made it in time, despite being stuck in traffic for almost 45 minutes. 

Once we arrived at the hospital at around 3 pm, Madison and I were SO excited. We couldn't believe that after so many months of waiting we would finally be able to meet our baby girl. I was put on Pitocin and my contractions began almost right away. When we had gotten there I was 2cm dilated. I wasn't progressing so the nurses kept upping my dosage of Pitocin. If you've never been induced, let me tell you- ouch! I had contractions one on top of the other. It seemed like they never stopped. By the time 2 am rolled around, I had had enough. At this point I was sitting in a chair away from my call button and Madison was asleep in a cot next to my bed. I tried to yell to him and wake him up but it wasn't working. I had a cup of Jello in my hand and seriously considered throwing it at him to wake him up. Luckily for him, he did eventually wake up and I didn't have to go that route.

Madison came over to me and I told him enough was enough, I needed an epidural. He got a nurse who immediately checked me out. I was only 3cm! After almost 12 hours of labor she agreed that I could have an epidural and went to get the anesthesiologist. By now I could barely get up to walk to my bed, the pain was so intense. The anesthesiologist got there quickly and did his thing. I immediately felt better. So much so that I fell asleep for about an hour and when I woke up I was fully dilated! It was time to push, everyone got into position and about 45 minutes later we had a baby! I will never forget the look on Madison's face when he first saw his baby girl. It was amazing to witness. 

Nora was perfectly healthy and I recovered quickly. When we got home from the hospital the following Sunday, we had the initial "ok, now what?" moment, but quickly fell into a routine. The love we have for this little girl is overwhelming. It's so crazy how quickly you can fall in love with someone you just met.

Almost 10 months later I am still overcome with my love for her. She has brought such joy and meaning to our lives. Being a young mother is hard, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Of course I would have liked to own our own home or be more financially stable before having children, but now we have a reason to make those dreams come true. 

Having a child was the biggest turning point in my life. From then on, nothing was the same. I am so happy to be blessed with such a joyous little girl who loves to laugh, play and dance with my husband and I. Just one smile from her will instantly brighten a room. She brings so much happiness to our lives that I can't imagine a day without her. 

I hope you enjoyed Nora's birth story and a little peak into this girl's beginnings! And because I can't resist, here are some pictures of newborn Nora.

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

Nora's birth story

* This post was inspired by Danielle's journal prompt over at Sometimes Sweet. She will be posting new prompts each week so follow along here to see my responses. Let me know in the comments if you will be participating as well!


  1. Beautiful, story, Kelcey, thanks for sharing it! Nora Mae is so cute! I think it's amazing how you embraced this life-changing event and I look forward to reading more from you.

    Here is my own response to Dani's post if you'd like to read it:

    1. Hi Isa, thanks so much for your interest in my post! I read yours as well, that is pretty amazing! Can you imagine how different your life would have been if you had bot stayed and talked to those writers? I really enjoyed your story!

  2. She was such a beautiful newborn! Motherhood is crazy like that- you think you know yourself and what you want in life, and then you have a baby and everything seems so much clearer. I was 18 when I found out I was pregnant with my son, and I was devistated. I didn't think it could ever happen to me. Luckily my boyfriend was supportive, and my family ended up coming around, and I'm glad I chose to have him because he's been the greatest joy in my life. Even on the days when I feel like running away forever!

    Here's my post about that time in my life. Thanks for sharing yours!

    1. Hi Emma! It is great to see that someone else went through the same emotions as I did. I always sort of felt like I missed out on the happy pregnancy test result moment, but I am glad to see that everything worked out well for you and your family, as it did for us. I also feel like Nora gave me direction in life and a reason to be ambitious. Thanks for reading, and Julian is adorable!

  3. Nora is so beautiful, and what a gorgeous name as well! I was 23 when I found out I was pregnant- literally the last few weeks before I graduated college (which is stressful enough). I relate to you so so much! We actually only got officially married about 6 months ago. Being 4.5yrs out from having my first, I can say that it gets so much easier as you build your foundation. I didn't have the courage to write about what I was going through at that time- so lots of kudos for you for being able to sort out your feelings and be honest. You have a beautiful family and the best is yet to come :)

  4. What a beautiful story and what a gorgeous bub.

    I accidentally fell pregnant (many years ago and a lot older than you) but what a joy our boy is and has been.

    I found your post on Sometimes Sweet and my little story is very different to yours.

    Enjoy the little one.

    1. Oh my....the tears and memories this brings on as it reminds me of my youthful motherhood at the age of 17...also to a daughter that I can't imagine not having in my life. And 12 years later I had my oldest son and another 2 years later. Enjoy her and my one piece of advice I give to any parent have to strongly guide them while at the same time allowing them to be who they are...and know that if they go isn't necessarily that you are a bad parent but just a path in life they have to go to discover themselves and they will survive as long as you are there reminding them how great they are and loving them unconditionally. Enjoy Nora...and what a wonderful name.

    2. Thanks so much Stephanie! It is definitely interesting to become pregnant with no planning, but we are truly enjoying every minute of it! Nora is such a joy.

    3. Hi Trish, as crazy as young motherhood is, I wouldn't change it for the world, and I am sure you feel the same. That is great advice and I will certainly remember that as Nora gets older. Thanks so much :)
