
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mini Vacation to NYC

This past weekend, Madison and I were able to take a mini vacation to New York City. His father and step-mother are visiting from California and invited us to stay with them in the city before they came to Connecticut. This was the first time we had left Nora overnight with someone else, so it was a pretty big deal. We were only gone for 24 hours, but we did miss her. That being said, we also had a great time. We took the train into the city around 3:00 on Saturday then walked from Grand Central to the condo where our family was staying. We haven't seen his dad or step-mom for almost a year, so we had a lot of catching up to do before dinner.

We had dinner at a restaurant called Robert, which is at the top of the Museum of Art & Design. The design of the restaurant was very modern, and had such a great energy. Dinner was so amazing! Everything was incredible, and I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. I had a pear salad with arugula and candied walnuts, as well as the pork entree, which was served with baked green apple slices. It was one of the best meals I've ever had. If you ever find yourself hungry and in NYC, I definitely recommend Robert.

After dinner we headed back to the condo to get changed and go out for a nightcap. This was around 10:00pm, which is way past my "mommy bedtime," so it was fun to get out and remember what being a young adult is like.

Sunday morning we all slept in, such a luxury, and then headed out to FAO Schwarz before brunch. We had to get Nora a souvenir! I found the cutest little pink puppy for her and knew we had to get it. For brunch we went to a little deli and got the usual eggs and toast, except this was around 12:00 so Madison got a bacon cheeseburger. I think he had the right idea.

Once we finished up brunch, back to the condo we went to gather our things and say our goodbyes. We hopped in a cab with only 20 minutes to catch our train. We got the right cab driver because he knew what he was doing, we got to Grand Central with about 10 minutes to spare. We found our train and hurried over, but it was completely empty. I thought it was strange but Madison reminded me that Saint Patrick's Day was the next day, so most people were probably staying in the city for the parade. As we were just settling in, we heard an announcement that the train to New Haven was departing from a different track, they had made a last minute change without updating the boards. We gathered up our things and dashed to the correct train, which was packed with people. It took us forever to find a seat, and once we sat down, we had about a minute before the train started to pull away. What luck! 

When we got home, Nora gave us the biggest smile of her life and wanted to continuously be passed back and forth between us. I think it's safe to say she missed us a little bit. I was so happy to see my baby, it felt like such a long trip. Oh, and she loved the pink puppy! 

It is so rare for Madison and I to get to spend time away with each other, so this mini trip was really nice. Hopefully there are more in our future! Here are a few iPhone pictures from the weekend.

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