
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mamas out there! Specifically, to my gorgeous mom, up above, who is enjoying this day in sunny Hawaii! I love you so much Mom and I'm so glad you got to take this trip. Hope you're enjoying every second of it!

To all the other moms out there- enjoy this day, even if you aren't in Hawaii. *wink* Whether you work out of the home, in the home, or are a stay at home mom, your job as a mother is the most important one you will ever have. I know for me, being a mom has totally changed my life. I love my little girl more than anything in the whole world. Even on days when I'm exhausted and she has been crying for three hours from having four teeth trying to come in at once and I need to break down and have an ugly cry in bed, once I see her look up at me and smile, every bad feeling goes away and she melts my heart all over again. 

I hope you all have a calm, no tear day, with breakfast in bed (or at least sitting down), and lots of cuddles and kisses from your babies. 

Enjoy Mama- you deserve it!

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