
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I Got Dressed - Summer Gypsy Mom

Kelcey Wears - Summer Gypsy Mom

HAYO we're going to try something new over here. Outfit posts! I know you're all dying to see more of me so that is for you. Really it's for me as motivation to get out of my pajamas during the day. Any other stay at home moms out there who can relate? I just want to be comfy. Well this outfit is super comfy and looks cute so it fits both criteria, exactly what I'm looking for in a momiform. I'm still getting used to be in front of the camera for a change so bear with me ok! I'm going to call this one Summer Gypsy Mom because of the kimono. I need more of those in my life. What a perfect way to be comfortable but look put together. Win win! Two more things - why is my hair red again? I distinctly remember dying it purple. If you haven't been following for a while, I have a broken wrist, hence the brace. That was not a fashion choice. Ok here we go...

Kelcey Wears - Summer Gypsy Mom

Kelcey Wears - Summer Gypsy Mom

Kelcey Wears - Summer Gypsy Mom

Kelcey Wears - Summer Gypsy Mom

Kelcey Wears - Summer Gypsy Mom


I don't have any links for you because I bought all of this so long ago, but! I can tell you the tank is from Old Navy and it's my favorite, the leggings and sandals are from American Eagle, the headband is from Forever 21 and the kimono is from Urban Outfitters. I made my necklace and you can find a tutorial right here.


  1. Hi Kelcey. I am Ada. I found you through the Wives Wear link-up. Glad to stop by. This outfit is simple, casual yet chic. I love the Kimono and the Necklace. =)

    I welcome you over my blog now. Thanks and enjoy the weekend!!

    1. Hi Ada! Thank you for your comment! I really like the Wives Wear link-up, such a great idea. I'll check out your post as well :)

  2. A lot of people shop at American Eagle and I need to shop there again! It has been a long time since I've been in there... I love the colors in the kimono and I love your headband, too! I just became a sahm and I am loving the more comfortable style that it brings... some days I totally go casual and other days I try to dress up a little, but I still lean towards comfy! Thanks for linking up with What Wives Wear!

    1. I used to work at American Eagle a loooong time ago so I know there are good pieces among the logo tees haha. Thank you for your kind comment! I do love the comfort option of being a SAHM but it is nice to dress up a little from time to time.

  3. Hi Kelcey I am so glad you linked up to our #WhatWivesWearLinkUp. Welcome to our community. You're outfit looks so comfortable & easy but definitely not frumpy. I love the colors in the kimono against all of the black. Good look! The necklace is so cute, and it perfectly matches the bracelet my daughter recently made me for Mother's Day. I will have to check out the tutorial to make one for myself. I look forward to seeing more of your posts. I hope you can join us each Thursday. Have a great week! ~Sherri

    1. Hi Sherri! Thanks so much! I really like this link up, such a great way to see what other ladies have been wearing. Let me know if you do decide to make a necklace- I'd love to see it!

  4. You are so cute! Found you via the WWW link up. Comfort is so important- I hate having to hitch my pants up or pull tops down all day.

    1. You're so sweet! And yes- comfort is my number 1 goal when I'm home all day haha
