
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Nora's Big Girl Bed

Madison and I recently transitioned Nora out of her crib into a big girl bed. I posted about trying this before, but that didn't work out so well. This time, it was a necessity because a few weeks ago Nora figured out how to climb out of her crib. That was terrifying for all of us, and while we weren't sure if she'd try it again, we didn't want to take any chances. 

We took a trip to Ikea that weekend and picked up a twin size bed for Nora and put it together that day. She loves it. I mean really loves it. In her eyes, this is probably the best thing we've ever given her. She has always likes to play in our bed and sprawl out and roll around, so having her own space to do that has made her the happiest baby ever.

I was still a little nervous that the transition wouldn't be easy, but with baby #2 on the way, we didn't really have a choice. The new baby will be getting Nora's crib, so she needed to move into a new bed before December anyway. Much to my surprise, Nora has been doing great. The first night, she didn't get up at all. She slept until 6:30 (which is when she normally gets up) and only cried because she tripped over a footrest on her way out of bed. We moved that into her closet so that wouldn't happen again.

Nap time has been easy. Bed time has been easy. I'm honestly shocked because she has been giving us attitude and not listening lately (terrible twos) so the fact that she will go down and stay in bed until it's time to get up is amazing.

This is what her bed looks like right now. We added a blue polka dot duvet cover and got some really cute hot air balloon sheets from Target. She has been relishing the fact that she can have more "friends" in bed with her, so that collection has been growing. We still need to add some artwork or something over her bed, but it really is a cute little nook. There's also a blanket squished on the side because the first night she did roll into the crevice between the bed and the wall and couldn't figure out how to get out. Daddy to the rescue on that one.

My favorite part of this transition has been that now when Nora wakes up, she requests that we read book in her bed. She gets as many books as she wants, and I get some cuddle time. Win win. 

Have you transitioned your toddler into a big kid bed? Was your transition easy, or did you have to try it a few times like we did?

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