
Monday, March 14, 2016

Emery Jane

Emery Jane is here! She was born December 2nd at 6:35pm. I am very late at posting this birth announcement (since she's three months old now) because "two kids."

She is the most perfect baby. So sweet and cuddly, hardly cries, and has just started smiling and laughing a lot. Someday I'll share her birth story here, but it is the least dramatic story ever. Really it could not have been easier, or faster.

Nora loves her. We are so lucky that she has bonded with her so quickly. She has been so great about sharing our time with the new baby.

Speaking of Nora, she is going to be THREE next month! Where has the time gone? I have tons of photos to post from the last few months that I have taken off from blogging. For now, enjoy these few tiny newborn photos.


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