
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Find Your Passion and Keep It

find your passion and keep it

I was talking to Madison the other day about my new office. We've been discussing my new desk and how to make it work for my needs. I really wanted to get a light box for tracing, and my mother-in-law had a great idea for creating a desk top that was a light box itself. How cool would that be? I'll be sure to post a DIY once we get into it. As I was telling Madison about this idea I became overcome with the fact that I haven't sketched anything in so long. I went to school for fashion design and retailing, and one of my classes was fashion sketching. I've always been a creative and artistic person, but drawing has never been a strong skill of mine. Well, this class totally changed my idea about that, mainly because my professor was amazing, but also because we used croquis to trace our designs on top of. This one thing was so revolutionary for me because my fashion sketches actually looked like fashion sketches! I've been designing clothes since I was 10 years old and in one class the quality of my work increased tenfold. 

That class created a new found passion for sketching that I had lost for a long time. Even now, it has been probably a year and a half since I sketched anything seriously. As I was talking about my light box desk, I began to think about how important it is to stick with your passions once you find them. After I graduated, I no longer had access to a light box so the convenience of sketching with ease was gone. For this reason, as well as a new job, a pregnancy and a baby, I let my love for sketching slip away from me. 

I plan to make a serious effort to sketch more. It makes no sense to give up on something you love just because it isn't convenient anymore. This is my promise to myself, and I hope that you all feel inspired to keep up with the things you are passionate about. I know that life and responsibilities can get in the way, but you need to make time for yourself and the things you love.

To further inspire myself and you, here are a few of the sketches I did in that class. Leave me a comment letting me know what you are going to make more time for.

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

fashion sketches

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelcey, I nominated you for a Liebster award. If you'd like to participate, the rules and questions are posted over on my blog at I can't wait to learn more about you!
