
Monday, March 3, 2014

Nora Lately

Nora lately

10 months is a really exciting time. Nora is truly coming into her own and we see more of her personality every day. She is a sweet, funny girl who loves to explore. She waves and gives kisses. She has said "mama," "dada," "hi," "tiger," and "circle." I think we just passed a growth spurt because she has gotten SO tall. Barely any of her sleeper onesies fit her anymore because her legs have grown so much. I have a feeling she's going to get he dad's height gene and tower over me like he does. 

Nora lately

She loves to be outside. Here she is intensely surveying the front yard. Going for walks around the neighborhood is one of her favorite activities, especially when we see dogs.  

Nora lately

Nora loves her daddy so much. No one can make her laugh the way he does. Her face lights up whenever he comes into the room and she immediately does a speed crawl over to him.

Nora lately

Nora lately

She spends a lot of time crawling through this table...

Nora lately

... And standing at our makeshift baby gate. Also- sock in the pocket. I thought it was hilarious.

Nora lately

She loves music. We have a ukulele and an upright piano in the house and she loves to "play" them. It's mostly just slapping but the sounds excite her. We might get her a couple new instruments for her birthday. Nora loves to dance too, she's got the baby booty shake down.  

The days with her just keep getting better and better. I am so lucky to be her mom.

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