
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nora's 1st Birthday!

Nora's 1st Birthday

Last weekend was Nora's first birthday. I know I keep saying it, but how is she one?! This year has flown by, and it's been the best one ever. Her birthday was on Saturday, and Friday night I realized I had no decorations planned, so I decided to quickly whip up this birthday banner after putting Nora to bed. I also had some decorations left over from her baby shower that I decided to use as well. When she came downstairs I could see she was excited by all the balloons and the sign. It was just enough to make the day feel special. 

Nora's 1st Birthday hellokelcey.blogspot.comNora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

The morning was cloudy and a little dark, but we didn't let that spoil the mood. We brought Nora into the kitchen and Daddy cooked up some special pink birthday pancakes for everyone. 

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Here, Nora is telling us how big she is. This is one of my favorite things she does. 

Nora's 1st Birthday

I tried to get Nora to leave her birthday crown on to open presents, but it only lasted about 30 seconds. Oh well! At least I got one picture of her wearing it. If you'd like to see how I made this, I posted a tutorial recently. 

The following present opening montage is great. Nora saw this Mooshka doll at Target and was giving it kisses in the store. We had to get it for her after that. I loved the look on her face when she opened it. *Correction: when we opened it for her. She was more interested in trying to eat the ribbon at first.

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

 Nora's 1st Birthday hellokelcey.blogspot.comNora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday hellokelcey.blogspot.comNora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

That was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. 

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora is the only baby I've seen who loves greeting cards. The first time one came in the mail, she rolled around and talked to it for 20 minutes. She also loves books so maybe she thinks they are mini books. Either way it's adorable. 

Nora's 1st Birthday hellokelcey.blogspot.comNora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

After a 3 hour long excitement induced nap, we were ready for lunch and an adventure! I made Nora a cute little hair bow to go with her cupcake birthday dress, stayed tuned for a tutorial! They are so cute and I love that you can use up your fabric scraps in such a fun way.

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday

She really liked those balloons.

Nora's 1st Birthday

Nora's 1st Birthday hellokelcey.blogspot.comNora's 1st Birthday

We live near a bakery called Nora Cupcake Company so of course we had to go there to get Nora her first ever cupcake. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this, but one of our nicknames for her is Nora Cupcake, so it was kind of perfect. The shop is adorable. It's super kitschy and right up my ally, not to mention the cupcakes were divine. I got the blueberry lemon cupcake and it was one of the best things I've ever had. Nora had the Funky Monkey, which is banana chocolate chip cake with peanut butter frosting. She loved it, then was insanely hyper the rest of the day. 

We ended the day with pizza and a bath. I think Nora had an excellent first birthday. I know Madison and I enjoyed it. I'll be back soon to share pictures from her birthday party.

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